Our Mission
Is to provide and maintain high quality affordable public housing in a safe and sanitary environment for senior citizens, disabled persons, and families who meet the low income guidelines published by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). We are fervently committed to consistently meeting or exceeding HUD performance standards and reporting requirements while operating within a budget allocated each year by HUD. We also adhere to the guidelines of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Division of Affordable Housing and operate under the purview of the North Bergen Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. The North Bergen Housing Authority celebrates diversity and does not discriminate against any persons on the basis of gender, color, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disability.
Value Statement
The North Bergen Housing Authority and its Board of Commissioners continually strive for excellence and efficiency and operation. We value our tenants, celebrate diversity, promote innovative ideas and continually seek ways to maintain and improve upon our tenants’ quality of life. We demonstrate our commitment by providing free social services including community outreach to keep our tenants educated and informed about available services to aid in meeting their social and transportation needs. We at the North Bergen Housing Authority appreciate our tenants for their integral importance, not only to the housing authority community, but to the entire community of North Bergen.
Vision Statement
The North Bergen Housing Authority and its Board of Commissioners envision smart growth. We continually seek ventures with strategic partners from the private sector looking at the development or redevelopment of affordable housing for low and moderate income senior citizens, disabled persons, and families. We understand the importance of having adequate affordable housing in the coming decades as the baby boom generation enters into advanced age and fixed incomes. The Authority anticipates continued success in securing funding from HUD via its grant program for modernization and capital fund projects in order to maintain our existing housing stock at its high standards. In addition, we will continue to petition HUD for the allocation of more affordable housing choice vouchers to serve the growing need in our community.
Directors, Supervisors & Staff
Executive Director
Julio Marenco
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Section 8 Coordinator
Mary Leggio
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Section 8 Portability Specialist
Kristin Petrillo
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Director Of Operation
Ryan Leggio
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Tenant Service Coordinator & FSS Program Coordinator
Shamira Cruz
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Licensed Practical Nurse & ROSS Program Coordinator
Jacqui Farley
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Security Supervisor
Robert Herzig
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Security Supervisor
Talib Kanan
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Modernization Coordinator & Compliance Manager
Ravi Varma
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Adair Velez
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Meadow Hill Building & Project Based Section 8 Manager
Elisabeth Occhipinti
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Section 8 Housing Authority Caseworker
Belkis Bencosme
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Public Housing Application Coordinator
Abir Elhadad
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Tenant Services Assistant
Yojary Yadav
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Receptionist / Floating Building Manager
Vivian Hernandez
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Quality Control HCV Section 8 Inspector
Charlie Lacotera
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Section 8 Caseworker
Jennifer Alburtus
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Public Housing Inspector
Chris Lombardo
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Qualified Purchasing and Inventory Control Manager
Adam Lobel
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Maintenance Supervisor
Mark Ortiz
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Maintenance Supervisor
Cruz Rivera
Phone #: 201-868-8605
Board of Commissioners
Andrew Becker, Chairman
Robert Farley, Vice Chairman
Katherine Duque
Gerald Lange
Joseph Bartulovich
Hamza Abdelhadi
Maria Quintanilla